


Written By : Adewoye Samuel Olajide

Helen Keller said "The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight,but has no vision".

Vision! A great and mighty word. Vision is the capacity to see your future farther than what your eyes can see. Vision is what makes you different from your mates. 

Before I continue my writing. I have some questions for you. What is your vision? Where are you going in life? What did you want to accomplish in life?

You must have the correct answers to those questions if you really want to accomplish great things in life.

Vision is what different failure from success. 

Vision is what makes a man know exactly what he want in life.

If you don't know where you are going any road will just be your road. Not knowing your raod will lead to confusion and confusion will lead to failure.

Vision is what you need to move from failure to success.

When I was in primary school, I do not have any vision. My life then is not a purpose driven life,but living normally. 

But the day I discovered my purpose is the most joyful and happiest day in my life. I catch a big vision of where am going in life. I saw myself liberating the world. I saw myself dominating the world through my talent and my Gift

You are sent to this world for a specific assignment. Do not panic,you are created to do something valuable in this life.

 Forget your past and decide now to create your own future. Your future is in your hand. Your destiny is in your hand.

 God has already ordained you to excel and succeed in life. Only if you are ready to stand up and run your Race.

 You'll fail but you must not give up. People with reject you but don't mind them. Your vision is in you not in others. 

Pursue what you saw inside you,not what people want you to see.

See yourself living and accomplishing your dream. See yourself living a life of a dominator. See yourself been a victor. 

 As far as your eyes can see will determine how far you'll go. 

All successful men are visionary. They know where they are going in life.

Almost all successful people know exactly where they are going in life.

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