Written by: Olagoke AbdulBasit Rotoye.
A retrospective x- ray of multi party system in Nigeria
Historically, the emergence of democracy has brought a lot of options for countries to choose any party system of there choice.
However, many observations, theories and researches has shown that multi party system has hiterto(up to this time) been the best party system due to it's ability to embrace many political parties and its ideologies.
Since 1999, after the handling over of power by the junta (military) to the civilian government, multi party system has brought an enormous positive development to the growth of Nigeria.
A multi-party system refers to the political party system in which more than two parties are allowed to legally operate in the state. These parties compete with each other to gain political power in order to implement the content of their own manifestos.
Multi party system involves several parties, it tends to engage the minor and majority parties. Nigeria as a case study has 18 registered political parties.
Essentially, multi party system has contributed immensely to the socio-political and economic growth of Nigeria.
For a start, it encourages the formation of coalition of government because no party is able to win on it's own.
Citing the example of Nigeria 2015 general election, several parties coalited to from an alliance as APC( All people congress) to defect PDP(people democratic party) who has been in power (government) since 1999.
It has been able to prove the stance of an english adage which says "together we are united"
In one word, it has brought about unity to Nigeria political/party system.
Furthermore, the Nigeria political system as witnessed wider participation in politics. The existence of many political parties allows for people to join the various parties and as they do so they engage in political activism, thereby allowing the scope of political participation to be enlarged.
Likewise, it prevents any form of abritary rule (dictatorship),The operation of multi-party allows open and constructive criticism of the policies of the ruling government. This prevents the leaders of the ruling party from becoming despotic and lording themselves over the people.
It is apparent that multi party system has given room for many political parties to follow up the basic tenets of democracy (specifically popular participation).
However it is authentical that people now participate in politics than the early stage of Nigeria independence (1960's). Empirically, multi party system widens political participation and has given the people the chance to stand against abritiary rule (dictatorship) because there are many option for people to choose.
To buttress my points, Nigeria is a diverse country with many ethnic groups , multi party system Caters for the minority, Since there are so many parties that are formed in a multi-party system, the chances are that many parties would exist for electorates to choose from. For this reason, there are chances that every citizen’s political interest would be catered for.
Conclusively, the practice of multi party system in Nigeria is a blessing which has made Nigeria to realize the dream of her choice coupled with unity,liberty and progress.
Olagoke AbdulBasit Rotoye.